BORIS at XIX ANIDIS conference
Last Monday, BORIS team member Gabriella Tocchi presented a paper about the BORIS project at XIX ANIDIS conference, a National Conference on Seismic Engineering in Italy that took place in Turin, Italy.
The work presented was titled “Seismic risk assessment in transboundary areas: the case study on the border between Italy and Slovenia” and illustrates the methodology proposed within BORIS project to perform harmonized cross-border seismic risk assessment in the transboundary region, with an application at Italy and Slovenia border for the city of Gorizia and Nova Gorica. The authors of this paper are M. Polese, G. Tocchi, M. Dolsek, A. Babik, M. Faravelli, D. Quaroni, B. Borzi, A. Prota.
The above paper presented at the conference will be indexed on SCOPUS and published on Procedia Structural Integrity (ELSEVIER).